guess the child


guess the child

8 0
Ugh this is too easy make it harder next time 🙄🙄
^yes its olober
Oil Skyes
nooooo olober skyes 😤😤
o i l
oil skyes
I live in Cherokee but it's rlllllllyy small so technically Llano and if you don't know where that is im about an hour and 40 minutes away from Austin. what abt you?
Houston is my 2nd favorite city/town in Texas next to Pottsville for obvious reason
the have the best BAKEry, it always ~LIT~, the only downside is that you get STONED for any crimes you commit
true plus that one Starbucks that's right off the highway smells like reefer and it's so weird
yeah man, my dad takes me to really small showed bc my uncle lives down there and recommends them to me
Waterparks is rad. I saw this one band in Houston called In Season, there was me, my dad and 8 other people at the show. they were really good but I can't find them anywhere now.