I also have a lot of running away dreams too but OOF I wanna hear your guys’s dreams 😂


I also have a lot of running away dreams too but OOF I wanna hear your guys’s dreams 😂

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me crush broke his leg, and knocked himself out by jumping into the pool. then I got him out and I’m pretty sure he was in agony haha
Uh I dreamt that my cousin and I snuck into this golden mansion while dressed as creepypastas and scared some old ladies half to death 👌
I dreamed that the world was a potato and we were all different types of butter, I was normal butter... yeah, not as brutal as the others but ya 😂
ok this is strange but I had a dream about zoie
I HAD a dream WHERE WHEN PEEPS DIED THEY WENT TO HEAVEN HE'LL OF A PLACE WERE PEOPLE ARE FORGOTTEN AND ONE OF MY SIBLINGS WAS FORGOTTEN SO I SPENT THE WHOLE DREAM TRYING TO GET THEM OUT. And I kept thinking I was gonna die so I kept shouting I love be n fankhauser cause I wanted that to be my last words. Like legit. I was dying fro m laughter when I woke up
^^ wait you did? That makes me feel special for some reason