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howdy boys i made a collage wow whoop👏🏼 i'm in the process of moving so don't expect much out of me.
i couldn't get the right images here on of so i got some from WHI (follow me at @readingraindrops i think)
Q: Favourite colour?
A: Lilac😎
anything purple is on top with lilac or any shade of light purple being my favorite
aotd- red & yeLLow bOi
this is amazing 😍
woah beautiful
tank youuuu
i love this!! 😻
aotd: turquoise & pastel pink
you’re welcome ♥️
love this wow
omg yesssss do you wanna do he base or accessories? oooh and what color
yes that’s perfect just lay out the shirt/top and bottom or pants or whatever or if it’s a dress that’s good and special too and maybe a hat and shoes and I’ll do the rest and this will be sister stunning