Collage by SatanHasNoChill


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Okay, so I will admit this upfront before I begin. The constructive criticism I will give to everyone who asked (including yourself) will be from a more "school-like" stand point. How teachers in an English class would most probably react to the writing at hand. I have so much trouble giving constructive criticism on anything and everything from my own personal "preferences" and my mind. This is because I often think so deeply about things that it is hard for me to form solid opinions about them. This is true for any work/action/opinion that is not from my own mind. I cannot fathom the complexity of anything outside of myself, so I date not try to criticize that complexity, even if it is in the kindest way possible. It makes me so uncomfortable it hurts. It is even hard for me to give what constructive criticism I will, because in my mind, everything is already technically perfect in some form of perception or reality. That being said, I hope I have not bored you too much with this seemingly unnecessary disclaimer. But it is needed for myself. You see, I could go on forever talking about my strange thought processes and bottomless theories of the universe😄 but I suppose that is for another time and I will just tell you now that I don't want to take any of this too critically. I hope this all makes a little sense😄 just know that criticism is not my strong suit and I truly believe your writing is already perfect for endless reasons (that i could possibly explain in a few novels worth of words and time if you are really interested in me sharing that little theory of mine with you😁😄). So without further ado, your hopefully helpful constructive criticism from none other😌✨🌙
constructive criticism English Teacher Style: I must begin with a compliment on your amazing personification! It definitely helped the imagery even thought the piece was quite short. That being brought up, the length was not quite ideal to have the potential to be analyzed critically for constructive criticism. I do realize though that it is quite difficult to fit a lot on such a small remix. But it might help to make things just a tiny bit longer, just so you may go into more detail about the character. If there is no detail on the character or any way for the reader to relate/connect with them, they won't be as emotionally invested in the story. When this happens, they won't feel the pain pf that character being alone in the same way. A person will care more of a friend or someone they care about feels alone than someone they don't know, don't care about, or simply a character that doesn't feel real to them. But that is just a bit of advice for if this story was/could be longer. For its length, given the circumstances, was quite good. I can tell that imagery and descriptions are really your strong suit! Keep writing, and if you ever write a book some day, let me know because I would most definitely be up to reading it! Thank you for taking the time to write this wonderful piece, I definitely look forward to what you will write in the future😊✨🌙