Collage by deadhearts


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aww such a cutie :)
how was the workout?
i’m not good at complementing 🙃 i’m a bit awkward sometimes
that’s good to hear
sure? is everything okay?
i get lost with words haha
us? umm sure :)
i know i know, i feel bad sometimes. i feel like i bore you with my lack of words
i would say we are friends :) i like spending time with you and you don’t mind millie is here often
well i appreciate that :) i’ll talk to be more talkative when i am with you
i mean i definitely feel like maybe there is something but idk. i don’t want to jump too fast and get myself into a situation like with millie’s dad. i know you are nothing like that but it makes me nervous
i will try my best john :) no promises ;)
i can’t let myself get hurt like that again and now i have millie to think of too :( i really trust you but i just need for things to be slow? we can do friend things and couple things and just see where we end up?
i can do what i please ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
i don’t mean to do that :( i’m sorry. i just get nervous and don’t know what to say. keep doing what you’re doing so i can continue to get more comfortable?
i get that :( i’m very sorry
i don’t understand:( i had told you i wasn’t comfortable with anything yet. i didn’t give responses to flirting cause i didn’t know what to say… i explained my past to you and i thought we were on the same page
have a nice dinner :) i probably won’t be on the rest of the night
i didn’t mean to be rude if i sounded that way :/ i guess sometimes i need an extra little push to do things. i’d like you to continue?
yeah? *nods gently and waits for you to sit and get comfortable*
i’ll let you know if i get really uncomfortable *nods and sits in your lap wrapping my arms around your neck and leans my face on yours*
*laughs gently and leans close to you pressing soft kisses on your face* i wish i didn’t but unfortunately i do
*smiles looking down at my thigh* i really like you john whether my actions show it or not
what do you mean?
i can imagine that was very confusing, i’m sorry *laughs a bit opening my legs more for you*
oh i see, i didn’t notice
*leans my head on yours rubbing your chest gently* can we talk about our futures? where do you see yourself? things like that? see if our futures align?
i mean i can’t stop you from doing anything :)
*laughs and nudges you* slowwww john *smiles gently as faces you in your lap* i love millie and i’ve always wanted my kids close in age but that’s obviously not happening. i definitely want more kids i think i was meant to be a mom. i want to grow my clothing business and branch out to different things. maybe marriage and a nice house on the beach once day
i mean i like you so i’d rather you not flirt with anyone else?
come back 😩
thank you, i appreciate that john *nods gently and smiles at you* yes?
thank you :)
possibly? *shakes my head smiling and watches you* it’s alright, i like the face you get when you are watching me
okay i will :) and you can do the same
*nods smiling* that’s something we could discuss further down the road if we decided marriage was right for us
*nods and watches you as i lift your chin up gently* i know we both have hangs ups that are preventing us. i think we should try to let them go as best we can and just see where this goes? *leans in and kisses your lips gently*
*smiles on your lips kissing you a bit deeper keeping my hands on either side of your face*
*gently pulls away keeping my hips against yours and smiles* i enjoy kissing you
sorryy :) i feel asleep, between working and millie i tend to fall asleep a lot
*laughs and shakes my head* i’m not that special john- *kisses you once our lips meet and holds onto your shirt*
*smiles on your lips and keeps close to you* you are special to me too. i appreciate the way you make me feel and the way you treat millie
well you succeeded;) i can send you some pictures if you’d like?
*nods gently and smiles as i stroke your face* maybe a little, with millie getting older it does make me miss the newborn stage
i know i know i’m not great about expressing them
noo you can’t take my baby *shakes my head smiling* how will you feed her huh?
i liked looking at your body :) your muscular arms kind of turned me on
thank you john <3
*laughs and nods* mhmm that’s what i though, would you like to get her up from her nap?
i agree :)
*nods gently and stands up taking your hand* come here
nooo :( i miss you…a lot
come up to millie’s room and see how to wake her *smiles and leads you upstairs gently opening her door*
:) when do you get off
*smiles and gently lets go of your hand and whispers* i don’t usually turn on her light just yet, i start by rubbing her back
mhmm *smiles and nods gently rubbing her back* she would typically wake up on her own but since it’s getting close to dinner i want to wake her so she’ll sleep tonight
aww yay :) what did you get to eat,
mom and of course work *smiles and gently picks her up once she wakes holding her to my chest* hi honey
ooo yum :)))
*smiles gently and turns around to you* here you can carry her down while i grab her blanket and pacifier
i’m okay :) i plan on eating later
*laughs gently and hands her to you before grabbing her blanket and things* // *clings to you burying her face in your neck*
oh no i couldn’t ever take money from you :) i’m honestly not even sure what i want for dinner hahha
*smiles and grabs the end of your shirt gently pulling you to follow me* let’s go back downstairs
johnnn i can’t take that *smiles and shakes my head* you’ve earned your money, spend it on yourself
*laughs gently and heads downstairs* can i get you anything? water? a snack? she will have to eat
*blushes gently and kisses your cheek* thank you john
*smiles nodding and gently takes her before kissing your cheek* grab whatever you want
*gently kisses your lips* and you’re so handsome
*sits down on the couch getting comfortable and hands her the blanket to hold as i lift my shirt to feed her*
hmm i don’t know if you’d fill me *laughs shaking my head as i wrap my arms around your torso*
*nods smiling and guides her mouth to my nxpple* you can sit with me, i enjoy your company // *latches and starts to eat*
you want to make me dinner? *smiles and leans against you* you can do that if you’d like? or i can just stay? i don’t want to burden you
*holds millie to my chest and gets comfy in your lap kissing the side of your face* i’m sorry i don’t show it often to you, i swear i’m trying my best
that sounds yummy *smiles and nods rubbing your chest as i look up at you* maybe you could cook with this off? *tugs on your shirt* i keep looking at those gym pictures *blushes slightly*
*leans my head on yours and watches millie* well just know i really do like you even if i don’t exactly show it in an obvious way
*smiles nodding and gently lifts up on your shirt helping you take it off* mm much better *rubs my hand down your chest to your torso*
it’s nice we can take things slow as well and not make the other uncomfortable *smiles nodding and plays with her hair* isn’t she the sweetest baby?
*smiles keeping eye contact with you before pressing a light kiss in the middle of your chest* what’s for dinner bub?
*smiles nodding and watches her as she eats* i feel safe with you as well
*nods and smiles continuing to hug your torso* yes please
i appreciate that john *smiles and nods as i sit her up and burp her* she’s very important to me and i can tell she will be important to you too *pulls my shirt back down*
*smiles and leans my head on your back holding onto you* i love being close to you
*spreads my legs a bit more for you and rubs her back smiling* my sweet baby
*kisses your lips and holds onto you smiling* do you like cooking? i have never liked to cook, i’m not very good at it
*laughs and shakes my head as i hold her up so you can see her* millie silly
*smiles nodding and watches you* well im glad you enjoy it, i will be grateful to have you here
john! *laughs and shakes my head* that tickles
*nods smiling gently and stays close to you trying a bite* mm that’s very good
a little yes, she’s going through a growth spurt so she’s extra sleepy lately but normally she’ll be awake a majority of the day
*shakes my head smiling* i want to stay right here with you
*smiles shaking my head as i stand up to readjust in you lap sitting to face you and holds millie between us wiping the milk from her lips* // *reaches up grabbing at your face and smiles*
*holds onto your wrapping my legs around you and takes another bite once we are at the table*
*smiles watching you interact with her leaning my head on your shoulder* // *giggles and holds your finger*
*takes another small bite* want a bite? i think i’m getting full
she’s tiny like her momma *kisses her cheeks and smiles* she makes me want another already // *squeezes your finger and sxcks on her pacifier*
*nods smiling as i scoot closer against you and moves your hair back before holding a bite up to your lips* here baby
*laughs and nods* i just may want to take you up on your offer *smiles and listens to you sing to her* i bet you’d make a good daddy, john
*laughs and feed you the bite kissing your cheek as you chew* mm good boy
i should send you some of my belly pictures from baby millie? *smiles and looks back up at you nodding* i really think you’d make a great dad
*laughs and runs my fingers through your hair* my good boy, want another bite? *gently attached your scalp with my nails*
if you’re comfortable with that? *nods gently and snuggles back close to you when you return* she went down okay?
maybe that’s the point *bites my lip gently and feeds you another bite running my fingers in your hair*
*smiles and lays back pulling you onto me* yeah? what kinds of things interest you as a dad?
*turns around nodding as i grab a napkin from the table and wipes your mouth* better? and maybe just a little *smiles playfully*
*pecks your lips nodding as i hold you on my chest* that’s the best part about being a parent
*tilts my head to the side for you smiling* only if you’re going to do something about it after?
*laughs and shakes my head* it tickles when you do that john
*starts breathing heavier as i get a bit more turned on and nods* i give you permission to do whatever
you keep making me laugh *smiles and watches you as i wrap my legs around you*
i promise i’ll let you know *nods gently biting my lip* i’m not on birth control so we will see what happens. you would stay if i got pregnant right?
*smiles and watches you* i love how you touch me so softly. it feels very intimate but gentle
*laughs a bit nodding* i suppose so, you just pull out when the time comes okay?
*nods smiling* i don’t have much experience with those things as my ex was pretty terrible but they sound lovely
*nods sitting up a bit and watches you* you came prepared?
i appreciate that but you’ve already been far better than he ever was *shakes my head gently*
*bites my lip gently as i takes off my shirt and bra looking down between your legs* um have a very nice dxck
the way you treat me and millie, he was very abusive and hit me a lot so i’m glad millie never got to meet him *holds you a bit tighter* he’s the reason i have an eating disorder
*spreads my legs a bit watching you as i start to drip on the table* hey john? be easy okay? it’s been awhile since i’ve done this like a really long time ago
i’ve been suffering from anorexia on and off. he always made comments on my body and it really got to my head
*smiles and blushes as i watch you look at me while sliding off my shorts and panties* you’ve never? are you sure you want me to be your first?
*shrugs gently and moves closer to you* he would say my stomach wasn’t flat enough or my thighs looked like they were getting bigger
*smiles and eagerly pulls you close to me kissing your lips while replacing your hand with mine jerking you a bit*
*nods gently and lifts up my shirt for you watching what you’ll do*
*kisses you deeply and continues to rub up and down your length, moaning a bit in your mouth once you start to touch me*
that tickles *smiles gently and watches you before standing up*
*breathes heavily and tries to stay focused on kissing you but moans loudly instead* j-john oh my g-god *leans back in pleasure as my juices cover your fingers*
*nods gently looking at all the words and smiles* yes?
*whines in between my moans and holds onto your shoulders* baby i want you inside me, please *looks up at you and starts to jerk your dxck again*
*smiles watching you point out things and leans up kissing your cheek* you’re so sweet, i appreciate what you have done for me
*shakes my head looking up at you innocently while holding your length in my hand* i want rough, i want no protection
*wraps my arms around you neck and stands on my toes kissing your lips* thank you john, for everything
*nods whining a bit again* i just want to feel as close as i can with you in this moment *starts to get a bit eager rubbing your tip on my pxssy*
*smiles leaning my head on your chest and nods* you’ve helped a little already
*nods eagerly as my pxssy starts to pulse from how turned on i am* mm please baby please. i need you so bad
*shakes my head gently* i hope you never have to meet him. he’s actually been in this account before because he used to be friends with everyone
*gasps catching my breathe as my walls stretch to your size and gently tugs on your hair as i moan* mmm yes just like that. good boy
it’s better to leave him alone *smiles gently looking up at you* but i love how protective you are getting
*breathes heavily and grips your shoulders for support trying to speak as i experience all the pleasure you are giving me* baby this feels so good. i needed you so bad. i want you in me all the time
*nods and hugs you* thank you baby *leans up and kisses your jaw line*
*leans my head back moaning loudly as i hold my breasts in my hand* right there right there
*smiles and kisses on your jaw down to your neck nodding* i actually got it yesterday *smiles and steps back spinning for you*
mhmm *digs my nails in your back and releases heavily on your dxck* oh my goodness
*blushes and holds onto your hand* you’re too kind
*breathes deeply and and reaches down massaging your balls to help you release* mmm that’s my good boy
*smiles and gently swings your hand in mine* maybe we could go shopping and pick out clothes for one another?
*kisses your lips and holds onto you feeling your warm cxm inside me* you didn’t pull out? john, baby, i’m not on birth control *gently rubs you lips as i look up at you*
i want to help you pay? *smiles nodding* plus i could even design you clothes
*shakes my head stroking your cheek* you got caught up during your first time? we will just see what happens okay? how was your first time by the way? you did amazing *smiles gently* i’ve never finished that fast before from someone
mhmm i’ll use you as my model *smiles and nods8
the worst that could happen could be millie gets to be a big sister *laughs a bit and leans up kissing you again*
*laughs shaking my head* oh hush it’s just clothes
*smiles and holds onto you* thank you, i can’t believe that was your first time? you were really good. i can’t wait to see what else you have in store
*moves your chin back to me and smiles kissing your lips* i’m kidding, i think it’s cute you get excited over things like that
*smiles and gets comfortable in your lap and wraps my arms around your neck*
*kisses you gently and holds onto you*
*shakes my head gently as i hold onto you* if it happens it happens.
*smiles and rubs millie’s cheek, relaxing in your arms*
every time i come back to look at these pictures i get a bit excited ;)
yes i may need some help with my excitement ;))
oh please do