Hope you read this! Follow me on Pinterest @graceturner9111. I love you Sweets, have a good day! 9/24/16 -SweetGrace


Hope you read this! Follow me on Pinterest @graceturner9111. I love you Sweets, have a good day! 9/24/16 -SweetGrace

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Girl: am I pretty? Boy: no Girl: do u even want to be with me forever Boy:no Girl: would you cry if I walked away Boy: no She'd heard enough and was hurt she walked away with tears in her eyes and the boy grabbed her arm Boy: your not pretty... Your beautiful. I don't want to be with you forever... I NEED to be with you forever. I don't like u... I love u. And I wouldn't cry if u walked away. I'd die if u walked away. *whispers* please stay with me Girl: I will Tonight at midnight your true love will realise he/she loves u. Something good will happen to u at 1-4pm. Tomorrow it could happen anywhere! Get ready for the shock of your life. If u don't inbox this to 5 other people u will have bad luck in relationships for the next 10 years if u stop reading u will die tonight. Hi I'm mike I'm 11 years old but I'm dead now I had no friends if u don't inbox this to 20 people u will die tonight at 11:59 don't believe me? A guy named jake read this and laughed later that night I took a knife and stabbed him to death! U don't want to be jake do u?? A girl called Sandra inboxed this to only 10 people, silly girl she was only 11 oh well that day she saw me and ran into her grandmas house she asked if she could use her bathroom read! If u send This to 20 people u will have the best day of ur life tomorrow.