Doubt I've got many ferns tho


Doubt I've got many ferns tho

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why would anyone care except Kat ❤️blogsbyestella ❤️cat❤️and the other cat ❤️you all hate me just face it
❤️❤️❤️me to G please stay
you are not going anywhere
please please please stay
do you think I don't care? because I do and you informed me of you leaving for a reason. I am your friend. and I don't really know what happened between you and meg but don't think you are alone
you are loved
stop looking through my conversations with my friends
just look I don't want to be rude your calling me a bxtch I never did that to you this hurts to much just
why why r people leaving today it makes no sense
just what? seriously your being rude. who the hèll lies about suicide! it does my head in
Hi, Gorgie. I respect your decision, but please, don't leave. I will miss you a lot, and I really care about you. What's wrong? I'm here if you need anyone to talk to, and if you need a friend. Just please, don't leave❤️✨
Ok, Gorgie, please keep staying strong tho💕I have to go to bed now, so goodnight, sleep well😘✨❤️
Also, tysm for staying, hon✨❤️
pls stay don't listen to the haters and the one person on here who tried to bring you down don't let her....😔
I LOVE YOU STAY PLEASEEE NOBODY WANTS YOU TO GO, it's your decision but PLS pls stay