That fashion tho


That fashion tho

22 0
wow what a good look guys 10/10
Zack is the only one who is dressed decently
Rian looks like one of those 10 year old boys that throws basketballs at old people while he's cruising around with his mountain bike blasting N.W.A
and Alex's style is just ugly
Zack actually looks good tho but oml he was so skinny and pure
and Jack is just Jack
and what's the thing with his checkered shorts
like srsly call the fashion police and honestly Alex gotta drop the scarf
Alex is such a mess and Zack is beautiful like he is a sight to behold. Jack can't even be judged for stupid decisions that's just him being him at this point and you nailed what Rian looks like
But still Jack looks more decent than Alex
ok but Zack still looks amazing in this (yes I am stalking you)