Help! Btw my name is now Candycane_DorothyGale I'm think about changing it to gingerbread instead lemme know what you guys think in the responses or if you have other suggestions. And what's PC doing?!


Help! Btw my name is now Candycane_DorothyGale I'm think about changing it to gingerbread instead lemme know what you guys think in the responses or if you have other suggestions. And what's PC doing?!

14 0
happened to me too I looked up snow
grrr it's happening to everybody !!! it's so annoying
same 😣
this is exactly what's happening to me... we just have to wait for PC to fix it
it's now just you 😂 I hav to save pictures to my camera role now to get them on pic collage 😬😬😬