i miss you kitten


i miss you kitten

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i miss bean
since it hasnt been active since 7:10:17
but uh
i miss my bean.
and it hurts.
do you remember the times that we were really close
i mean like we was always really close but sometimes we was closer than others cuz we was both active at the same times
and shīt like that
its almost been a month since you deleted your account and fūck it hurts more every day
i keep expecting you to make an acc and remix me starting with ‘im here because i didnt properly say goodbye’
wheres the account...
why didnt you even say bye?
do you miss me.?
i miss being called kitten.
do you ever hear the word and think about me?
do you ever stop what your doing and miss me
i mesn its safe to say we was each others best friends
like everyone knew.
i always wish we was more. ya know
like fūck. i love you.
so much.
always wished we dated.
always loved you.
n it hurt.
because i know i meant something different when i told you that i love you. you just meant it in a friendly way.
kitten misses bean.
icant sttop crying.
i miss you so much.
idk why youd think to check this account i just kinda wanna talk to an essence of you. and here you are.
i tell my friend taylor all the time about how i miss you
and she says that you will come back
i really fūcking hope you do.
you know once before i was watching something. and just all of a sudden thought ‘shīt. i hope one day i love someone irl as much as i love my bean’
bean in 18 days its gonna be our one year anniversary.
will you be here..?
even to say ‘hi i love you’
its also the day ariolas album comes out. so if you stick around for an hour or something we can talk about which songs are our favourite and i can tell you how much i miss you
you know anyone else who disappears without telling me. i wouldnt be giving them a second chance n id be really short with hem
but with you
i love you bean.
i really fūcking love you.
i hope you come back and find me.