Seriously don't bully them or judge them just because they are different love them love one another 
Love them!!!!!! πŸ’β€οΈ


Seriously don't bully them or judge them just because they are different love them love one another FOR ALL YOU BULLIES OUT THERE THIS IS A MESSAGE FOR YOU!!!!! 😑 Love them!!!!!! πŸ’β€οΈ

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did you know that Heavenly Father has banned satan from tempting people with disabilities?? I can't remember why though!!πŸ˜ͺ
so true. you should respect and accept their differences, not make fun of them.
how would you like it if you were like that and everyone made fun of you? you wouldn't like it right? and if you don't, why do it to others? golden rule: treat others the way you'd like to be treated. πŸ’›
I had a classmate (boy) in my class with autism and I treat him specially just cause it's not right to bully him. I always tried my best to be nice to him, and he thinks I'm kind cause a lot of people are mean to him. I always stand up for him though, and he always tells people to stop when they're not being to nice to me. ☺️
so true lol
I have a disability I can't thnink properly
I am so sorry☹️
my brother has loads of disabilitys and he has been bullied loads ands has been suicidele because of it .
awwwwww I know I don't know him but tell him I have hope for him if you can
I have a friend with autism and I so respect him and I don't see the differ even between him and me
that's good that's what everyone should think
I had a friend named Mckenly who was in my art class and she has autism and she got bullied a lot and I saw her crying at lunch once and I gave her a hug and helped her out and stood up