shes trash everyone unfollow her she is ugly and she is a bad friend


shes trash everyone unfollow her she is ugly and she is a bad friend

2 0
she's annoying
and a bîtch
um gtfo ugly bîtch idk y ur defending this hoè
yea she i shes a piece of shît thats why nobody likes her
nobody likes cam the ugly depressed bîtch
thanks tell me something idk bbg
how about you kys just like cam will
idk Cam but this is so dumb😂😂 like are you 9 or some šhit like grow the fûck up. Don't tell people to go kill themselves because they could and you'll feel bad later in life. Just leave her alone, I like how you think you're so popular meanwhile your irrelevant to this world. do everyone a favor and sit your ašs down bitćh💪👋