It snowed today


It snowed today

118 1
where u from?
oh coz it snowed in the UK aswell
you live far away
hahaha Ik lol so how old r u?
I'm in 7th grade
so how old does that make u?
how old are you
15 so what grade would that put me in?
good coz I'm in year 10 in school
I live in Minnesota 2! what town?
oh I live in Grand Rapids
how much snow did u get
like non but it snowed a little bit a least
oh we got 2 feet๐Ÿ˜ฌ literally EVERYTHING is cancelled, cuz u can't get out of ur house lol๐Ÿ˜‚
What grade r u in I'm in 7th
seriously, that's kinda weird...
Are u in any sports
I'm in soccer
but I would also be really good at football and maybe basketball
oh cool, I'm in hockey, softball, track, weightlifting, volleyball and cross country๐Ÿ˜ต
wow that's a lot
thanks?! idk it's really tiring but I like them all
well good
see ya..
talk later
Hi!! I'm in seventh grade too!! this is cool I like meeting people in my grade
do y'all have algebra, we don't be weirdly some schools do
my names Amy by the way
I'm in excelerated math
ah cool we don't have that at our school!๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป
we call it PreAP
which means you are advanced in math
i love snow but we don't get much in Texas
I have never seen snow in my life.....
WOW really!? I hope you can see it one day it's beautiful
I like snow. It's soo beautiful.โ„๏ธ
hey thx for following me ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜
hey it's snowing her but not a lot
Here, we're not even close to having snow soon anytime
Lucky duck
lol my friends brother and dad left for Minnesota last night but where we are it's sunny and cold