GIRL TALK!! Sorry boys... Bye bye (: I've made this coz sometimes I feel there's stuff I just wanna talk about... and I think there should be somewhere collagers should be able to!! (: Comment anything literally and I'll comment back or someone else can..


GIRL TALK!! Sorry boys... Bye bye (: I've made this coz sometimes I feel there's stuff I just wanna talk about... and I think there should be somewhere collagers should be able to!! (: Comment anything literally and I'll comment back or someone else can..

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ok here's something... no one likes me in real life πŸ™„πŸ˜‚ it's true tho
Ok... I'll first: I've liked this boy for a while but I never really talk to him - I'm quite shy... But now there's some other girl who also likes him... What should I do? Leave it and move on or make a move? xx
@ThatShabbyPandaGirl - I'm sure someone likes you but you just don't know it! I thought no-one liked me but then I found like 10 boys who all had crushes!! (: xx
has he been ever interested in you or the other girl?
aww thanks so much! it's funny.. I can't make friends irl but I can on the web πŸ˜‚
OMG I just realised you broke your rules; "NEW post only after 75 likes" πŸ˜„
@Moonie_ well.. you'll never know until you try, but if you make a move he'll know you're trying to be forward as 1. you're shy and 2. you're trying to get to him before the other "opponent" although the risk I'd go for it, it's worth a try!
@ThatShabbyPandaGirl - Thanks! (: And I hope your problems get sorted too... x
Okay... So there's this boy in my school that is all girl's crush... Mine is 50% crush... She spoke to me one day and I, well, I answered, and then.... BAM [Attention, incredibly awkward moment is about to come] I hugged him. Yeah. Without reason. Laugh. Tell everyone. I won't mindπŸ˜‚
Um idk if this counts ... my bestie's going through a bit of a rough breakup, it's her second bad breakup of the year and the guy's being awful. I feel terrible because there isn't much I can do to help her, we don't go to the same school anymore and both have busy schedules ... plus her parents are rly strict about her screen time so I can't text her much and she doesn't have time for a phone conversation. I'm being as supportive as possible but I kinda just need some advice on helping her ... she isn't the sorta person who'll ask for help even if she needs it. xxx
ok so i stumbled across this post so i thought "hey, why not?" lol. so the boy i liked and i became really good friends this year, long story short we ended up sitting next to each other in math for about a month and a half - two months which led to us dating. we're really the only first "real couple" at my school since everybody normally dates for only a week to 3 weeks. we've been dating for a month now and i'm happier than i've ever been. we text every night and on the weekends, we walk home together sometimes and we even had our first kiss. so yeah just thought i'd share too πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
told you it would work out❀️😘
what do you think about that pic?
are boys even on pc? I don't know any
ok so have this study group that be been going to since was three (it's also a day care). last year a new boy came and he was super cute and super nice and I kinda really liked him. we hit it off, and looking back, im pretty sure he liked me too. now I don't think he likes me, but one of my friends asked me f I liked him and I said that I just think he's cute.she was like "haha I'm telling him!" and when. asked her f she liked anyone n the group she said I'm not telling u. she has been low key flirting with him and I think she likes him...and s trying to Greek him out by telling him I like him😬 am. over thinking this? what do I do?
AOTD: Cats
@Hard_Moments - Lol!! I'd never be brave enough to!! (: x
@La_La_Luna - My advice: Just be there for her! It'll mean a lot to her that you're on her side through the tough times... Meet up with her (maybe on a weekly basis) if u can where you can just have time together to chat and have fun! (: x
@cliquebait - That's amazing! I hope it lasts long and stays happy!! (: x
@bear_hugs - That's a tricky one!! My advice is maybe ask her outright (privately) if she likes him? Also try making a move on him, see what happens... Maybe ask him out eventually and if he says no, maybe say it's a dare? xx
thanks! I'll tell u how t goes!
my crush moved away and I miss him really bad
thank you !!!
I am not brave either. Don't ask me why I did itπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
@we70 - Poor u!! Try downloading skype/facetime or getting his number and try talking to him... it might make u feel better! (: x
lol, so my crush and I are friends (which I am so glad ofπŸ˜‚βœ¨) but he likes my best friend at school. she is absolutely great tho because she sets us up in class activities together when he wants to be with herπŸ’• so it's the holidays now and I haven't seen him in about a week so lol, hope he likes me next year πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ we took a selfie together and that's my lock screen, omg, I sound really girlyπŸ˜‚πŸ‘Œ but yeah, he is just a great guy
@ice-creams - That's amazing! I'd love to have a friend like that!! (: Hope you stay happy!! (: xx
I am bored and I have nothing to do, so why not!πŸ˜‚ So first off, I blush around guys even if I don't like them. Second, we had a field trip to the movies to see Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, a little while ago, and I, being the big Harry Potter fan I am, brought my wand. I was walking in the hall after school with my friend (let's call her K) and a guy (we'll call him J) complemented me on my wand and I blushed. K was like, "Why are you blushing?" and she gasps and starts thinking I like him. Fast forward to yesterday at lunch, and she tells all of my friends about it. They all think I like him. (By the way I don't.) Then my other friend (let's call her A) goes "OMG he's in my homeroom!" and goes off to tell him. Thankfully, lunch ends. And today, K is absent. A and my other friend (let's name her E) are sitting with me. A tells me she asked him if he likes me and he said (her words not mine) "she's cute and adorable." E dares me to ask him out. I try to think fast, but end up being really stupid, say, "I'm not asking him out, but if he asks me out I'll say yes." A says, "I'm going to go tell him to ask you out!!!!!" Thank goodness he wasn't here today! Please give me advice on what I should do tomorrow if he asks me out!!!!!! πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™
Wow that was long! πŸ˜‚
hahah, yeah, she is greatπŸ˜‚πŸ˜˜ how are you?
@PotterNerd22 - Long comment!! πŸ˜‚ If u like him: say yes. If u don't: say no. If ur not sure: say u'll think about it. But DO NOT say ANYTHING you think you might regret!! (: xx
Heya, update on my friend - seems to be going better! We did our Christmas shopping yesterday ... she's obviously not her usual self and the guy's still awful but things're definitely getting better for her! xxx - Bella
I'm kinda just an insane bandom and YouTube fg who's waiting for a guy to come along :P
@fantasyfairy4 - Poor u!! The substitute teacher shouldn't have done that ): Maybe if join in the joke and make fun of 'love tap' it will feel better coz it won't feel as if they're making fun of you? Also, try talking to some of your closest friends and telling them how bad the whole thing makes you feel and then it'll feel as if they're on side.... (: x
my crush likes me, and I like him too! we've known each other since like 2 yrs old πŸ˜‚ I don't really have any problems, and I'm too young to be dating πŸ˜‰
omg !me too!!πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜
I don't know what to do with my crush he goes to my school but Hates me can you give me advice
My crush might like me, he's funny and nice but I'm not sure if he likes meπŸ€”πŸ˜”
I've commented advice on your pages! (: x
my crush and I are kinda best friends... awkward but eh, I'm not risking anything until my crush goes away and I get a new crush
my crush and I are really on and off. like seriously me times I think he really likes me and we talk a lot at school and over text and then sometimes we don't talk for a week and I think he hates me. we've know each other for a while and I don't know.
This boy in class today, he was whistling behind me. The teacher tells him to stop. But, he continues, until I turn around to see who it is. Then we make eye contact, then he stops. His friend, in a funny way, told him to stop chirping (flirting). He stopped whistling when I turned around at him. Is he whistling at me?
So today, in class, it was an opportunity to talk, so I turned around to talk to my friend. While I was talking to her, I notice the boy staring at me, so I kind of stop talking, I was pretty much done talking. I looked at him, and he was. When we both made eye contact, he raised his eyebrows, and kind of looked away embarrassed possibly. πŸ˜‚ This is the same boy in all my other stories I have told you. πŸ˜‚πŸ™„
so my crush is my brother's best friend and in sixth grade I think knew of my friends told chime I liked him. now its eighth grade and that mean friend who told my secret about liking him, flirts all the time with him. before high school I want to tell him before our while grade goes separate ways, but I dont want it to be awkward. WHAT DO I DO!😡
πŸ˜‚I stink at this stuff
plus im really shy
around certain boys. sorry im probably spamming u
Your account is AMAZING!
Whenever I walk past this boy in areas where he could move over. He rubs his shoulder against me. He just has been doing it more than once, so I've started to do it backπŸ˜‚ I feel like it's a way to get close to me. idek. It's almost like a rub or a nudge against my shoulder. His body movements are weird towards me. He doesn't talk to me. What does this mean? xx