Sorry Sorry by Super Junior has been stuck in my head for the past 45 minutes wow. ||  How do you explain why you like K-pop to someone who doesn't like it? ||


☁ Sorry Sorry by Super Junior has been stuck in my head for the past 45 minutes wow. || How do you explain why you like K-pop to someone who doesn't like it? ||

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@caption//: it’s hard to explain Kpop to someone how doesn’t know it, I just say it’s a bunch of super good looking and mega talented people who show their talents to the world through dance and song.
aww, thank you! ♥️♥️
Thank you 💙 and ^^^ really really well said!👏
I’m jealous of this perfection. it’s so beautiful
@caption:// when I try to explain it, it’s actually pretty hard. I try to tell them that liking kpop is nothing different from liking French pop or Latin pop and that it’s so different from what we’re used to listening to culturally yet you can connect to it in a very familiar way because we’re all human and a different language or culture shouldn’t be a barrier to sharing human experiences. I don’t know, I always go on about how music connects us all no matter where in the world it’s from and should be used to understand each other rather than to make assumptions about people and the race/ ethnicity/ culture they may or may not be a part of. I’m sitting here realizing I must have typed a hecka lot so my many apologies😁😁