>>so I made a blog ☺️ would really appreciate if you guys checked it out 💗

x__xaestheticx__x >>so I made a blog ☺️ would really appreciate if you guys checked it out 💗

102 1
link in bio ✨
hey do an 11:11 wif me in.a few minutes
thx for following me 💕
you’re following a hate page pls u follow them :)
hey I just wanted to let you know that you are following my hatepage
you are following a hate page
hi guys ☺️ I’m pretty sure I’ve unfollowed the hate page. didn’t know I was following such a terrible page, sometimes I do following sprees and things like this happen
lovely collage!! <3
I love this
This is so aesthetic. 💕
{copy n paste warning} hiiii beautiful :) hope you’re having an amazing day! I’m trying to get my edits account up and running again and get my first feature so if you could go like the recent ( that I’m very proud of ), that would be awesome! 🧡 I am in love with your account ;) keep it up!!
wow love this!!! your acc is goalsss🌟💗🔥
woahhh stunning!!
this is so pretty!
can you enter my icon contest?
do u think u could check out my icon contest and enter ?? it would mean a lot! i love ur account!!💜
how do I talk to you on your website
what's your insta
my name is Emmi____Emma four underlines
your blog is so awesome I love the concept of it
Hey there, hoping your having an amazing day but can you please follow my WONDERFUL friend L0vedFlower She’s amazing, SHES talented and the bestest friend anyone can have!! Please follow her!! Also spam her with likes!! I’m sure she’d appreciate it and I would too!! If you followed her then comment on my most recent post telling me that you’ve followed her and I’ll spam you with likes//like all your collages!, ok, thank you so much if you’ve read this, and followed L0vedFlower and spammed her with likes!! I appreciate it!! Have an awesome day!!💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛
Hi! i would really enjoy it if u could enter my contest games in honor of my account getting 400 followers! 💞 thanks for being one of them! there will be 5 spots for each team and u can choose from Harry Potter, Avengers, Beauty and the Beast, and High School Musical i really hope u join! thanks for reading this 💞😁
saw the blog it was awesome
super cute collage! If you could check out my poll that’s be amazing!
I love ur website! so good! 💛💛
thanks for the follow :) ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
love ur account! stunning 💗💗
Wow, wow, and wow. I ADORE your account!
i love your blog!
I love ur account. I would mean the world if you follow me!
go follow my main, Pineapple_edits, for edits, contests, and more! Have a great day!
Tysm for following-KK_Does_Art- but I would love if you could follow me on this account and check out mine and my friends creepy Halloween crafts and also follow sophiesefton who also owns this acc. Have an awesome day and happy Halloween
hello! Can you please check out my icon contest? Thankyou! ❤️TropicalVibes284
Hi I Was wondering if you would be so kind to enter our collaging challenge there are amazing prizes up for grabs such as follows and likes! Please enter it will be much appreciated. And remember we’re only sending messages to the best collagers on pic collage so you must be AMAZING! 😀 Can’t wait to see your collage from EagledhillandLhpowell (your biggest fans)!