I saw these all over the place and wanted to do one of my own! I hope this lets y’all get to know me a little better! If anyone is having any contests, lmk bc I would love to enter any! I just lose track of them all. Anyway Have a wonderful day! :))


Tap!! I saw these all over the place and wanted to do one of my own! I hope this lets y’all get to know me a little better! If anyone is having any contests, lmk bc I would love to enter any! I just lose track of them all. Anyway Have a wonderful day! :))

32 26
TYSM! :)
Hey come check out the newest interview with Delartista
Thank you!!
awwwwwwww thanks so much
20. the first thing i notice in a person is probably their personality or their eyes
eyes mean everything to me in a person, i can tell if this person is going to be my friend based on their eyes 👀that might be weird but it works 🤷‍♀️
35. christmas obviouslyyy :) 🎄🎅
17. my favorite food is salmon 🐟
probably ice cream
my first kiss...😂😂😂 with my now boyfriend who I’ve been with five months. we walked out to this rock thing at my school and he just kissed me and it was...so. awkward. and not a good kiss at all. it was his and my first kiss so that explains it. it got better or we wouldn’t still be together but yeah. it took a minute 😂
someone else asked for good songs so since I could never pick just one I’ll send you the same list later. maybe this weekend
I would be anywhere as long as it’s with my best friend who I haven’t seen in almost a year
I’d rather know the day I die. that way I wouldn’t be afraid of trying new things and I wouldn’t know what would kill me so I could do it all. then I’d feel resigned and hopefully fulfilled when I die
Awwwww thanks ☺️❤️
Vienna by Billy Joel is amazing I’ll send more later
I posted some good songs
thank you!! ❤️🌸
ahhh 😌 thank you 😊
THANKYOU so much!!!!
Thanks stay safe ❤️❤️
thank you! ❤️