hey. rant all of your problems out below. happy November!🦃


hey. rant all of your problems out below. happy November!🦃

19 1
also rip pumpkinphan 2017-2017
cuz pennsylvania is the best and billiE EILISH
ok so imma rant a problem that I don't know what to do about (y'all don't have to give advice if u don't want to) but there's a new girl in my grade and since she sits behind me she's befriended me and honestly she's really annoying?like i go into the library to finish my book during free period and she sits right next to me and tries to get me to give her the answers to her homework, and she's always trying to talk to me during class while I'm trying to take notes. i feel bad though because nobody else really pays attention to her but i just don't want to be around her?? gosh i'm sorry this is so long
Imma rant friendo: I hate every single thing about genders I hate that my mom thinks that it’s horrible to be trans or anything other then the sèx you were born as I hate it because how long will I be in this dang closet, I hate that I wake up some days feeling like a girl and other days I just feel like a person not a boy or a girl just a person. I hate it all.