
hey guys! i’ve really been enjoying making pfps and i love having requirements, like a person or a color. if anyone wants me to make a pfp for them or just has some requirements for a certain pfp they would like to see, i’d love to try to make one


✨tap✨ hey guys! i’ve really been enjoying making pfps and i love having requirements, like a person or a color. if anyone wants me to make a pfp for them or just has some requirements for a certain pfp they would like to see, i’d love to try to make one

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you can join the games what team would you like to be on at the moment it’s collaborations
tysm! i’ll be on team folklore if that’s ok!
congratulations your on team Folklore
with the collaboration for round 4 can you please work with team reputation and speak now as your team folklore has made the collage for the round as you will working with them in the next round if that is ok
that’s ok! is there a chat page?
there is a chat page for Reputation with a collaboration it’s where two people make a collage together one does the background or text and the other does the text or background and they work together
ok great!
round 5 of the Taylor swift games is up
with the games you are on both reputation and folklore as you need to create a collage one being folklore and another on Reputation
ok thanks! are there any requirements?
with round 5 it is individual collages as the chat pages are used for collaborations and group work
no requirements for this round 5
Taylor Swift games round 6 is up
Taylor Swift games round 7 is up