tap for question 🐶

if you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be? what would it’s name be?


tap for question 🐶 if you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be? what would it’s name be?

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I would have a pet turtle named Stanley
😂 A horse, the name depends tho.
dude a Dragon named William
An albino wolf!!! I’m hoping it wouldn’t eat me... I’d probably name it Chilli (because I’m a weirdo who can’t come up with rational names)
I love dogs! It depends on who the dog is to decide what to name them. I like finding out my pets personality before granting them names.
omg haha😂
also what would be even worse is if the dog had a low bark but it was “Bork” that would be scary
I would have a pet Kitten or dog even tho I have a dog. (lol) but I’d get a Golden retriever and name is Sapphire
I would have a chinchilla or hamster named cookie
i like looking at your account!! post more!!
I’d have a pet monkey called steve or englebert
I would name her lacy
a giraffe name giraffyyyyyyy
I would have a short haired cat (tabby or white and ginger) named pepper
a fox...her name would be Vixey
a pet chinchilla...named gracine
probably a bulldog named Jack
I would hav a liger or a cougar that’s always a baby!
named Lila 4 the liger and Cammy 4 the cougar
Dog!!! Maybe....idk what name lol I have so many names 😂
Leopardess (a tame one ofc) named Leora bc I'm original like dat 😂
A leopardess is mah patronus (according to Pottermore) and I am now obsessed, can't get enough of dem spots
wow.... that’s true