This will be reposted frequently :)


This will be reposted frequently :)

47 3
ok my question is how can I escape a fandom
my problem is that i think my crush likes me back bUT he's moving (I think) and I'm not allowed to get a skype and he doesn't have a cell phone this is making me stressed help pls
hi so my problem is that I'm having a somewhat falling out with a friend? I feel like she's been having a secret aggression towards me and is expressing it to me by just being really negative towards me and I wanna confront her bc I've been friends with her for a while now and I don't wanna lose her but she's just been really negative and rude to me for awhile so how do I confront her....?
how do i get over someone on pc that doesn't like me back ? -l
hey, you should get special help for that. call someone you trust or a service they have for abusive parents^
I haven't logged in to the account but I just wanted to reply to you. don't worry about deleting your comment, it's fine! if you ever need us again then just let us know. if you want to talk to on of us privately then just ask, and I'm sure one of us can make a remix that we can talk in :)
nobody answered my question yet rip
^^Thank you!
I think I'm in love with someone, but there is only a 0.01% chance of me ever being friends with them let alone dating them ;-;
Hey, so my question is how do I get my friends to like the same things I do? Like I want to slowly get my friends obsessed with things like tøp and Dan and Phil and other fandoms??
No one in my family (two older sisters and one younger brother)knows that I watch Dan and Phil.what do I do?
*also my parents
hi so i have this very lowkey small lil crush on someone thats on pc & how do I approach them & talk to them without being creepy
^Someone else answer that cause I'm 100% P!ATD and Melanie, and I have no idea what's going on with MCR 😬💩
can you tell me what it's like to not want to die every second of your life
dear Internet support group, I have a problem. how do I ease my way into telling my crush I like them?
I came out to my best friend as bi and leaning towards girls and he was fine with it . but recently he's been making lesbian jokes and asking if I'm into any girls at school. I've told him multiple times to stop. I love him but it's annoying and it hurts. also he makes remarks about how he can't look at people the same way after they cut. he will be kind and compassionate towards people with depression but can't handle cutting. what do I do if he notices my scars? how do get him to stop with the lesbian jokes?
help I'm majorly in love with my best (well only) friend but I think I've been friendzoned and everyone we hang out with ships it and she always denies it and say's it's notp but one time when I asked her if she wanted it to stop she said she didn't mind and the only person I can talk to about it is my other male friend who has a huge crush on me (he admitted it I'm not being vain) so it's v awkward whenever I squeal about it and I feel like he's sometimes trying to sabotage my attempts to flirt with her because I'm v v v v shy and nervous around humans and I tend to randomly start crying and hide or just slam my headphones in my ears if someone's talking to me because idk how to respond help
also this acc is the actual coolest thing ever you guys deserve a million followers okay good job d(^_^o)
im pànsexual and i want to come out to my parents but i don't know how and i know it's not obligatory for them to know but i feel like it's time
Hi so I really want this book called Totally Joe.It's about this gay 13 year old boy who has to write a biography about himself using the letters of the alphabet(ex:A=Addie,B=Boy,C=Collins).I'm a smol fifth grader and I'm worried that if I ask meh parents for it they'll get the wrong idea.also it says "f*gg*t" so yeah
I have one friend that has helped me through so much and now they don't want to talk to me anymore and nothing bad happened between us we just stoped talking and I don't know what to do