Collage by Triplet-klf


36 3
wow that's intense
I honestly don't even know how to respond but just know that I read it all and understandπŸ˜…πŸ’•
I know what you mean; it's really hard to stop having a crush in someone ! I'm hearing you, think every girl goes through something along the lines of what you are/have experienced ❀️ But time will do it's thing, it always does πŸ˜„πŸ‘ŒπŸΌ xx
ahaha @la_la_luna... yes it is ! great venting session πŸ˜œπŸ‘ŒπŸΌπŸ’•
oh... whoops πŸ˜¬πŸ˜‚πŸ’• I meant to say "crush on someone" instead of "crush in someone" (makes no sense whatsoever ΒΏ πŸ˜‚) yikey crikey
hey I know how that feels it's happened to me with two guys but one I really do like but I never got the courage to ask him and he liked me but then I loved schools so I never talked to him again but don't let what me happen to you ask him out be brace at least send him a note confessing your feelings to him you can do it😊😊😊😊
oh wow, life is complicated eh?! I know how it feels, just be yourself and if an opportunity comes, it's up to YOU in the end!! Feel free to vent to me, so glad you're back from camp, although it would've been fun for you! xx πŸ’“πŸŒ»
dude I actually relate to this!! imma vent in a sec but honestly go for it! yeah u could b imagining him liking u, but you only live once. go for it bc you'll always regret it if u don't!!
but if you're scared ask ur friends how they would feel about u dating him. it's really not always good to keep ur crushes to yourself. sure, they may tease you at first, but they'll all ship it and be happy for you and be there with ice cream if anything goes wrongπŸ˜‚
ngl I'm going through a crush issue rn too! so there's this guy in the show I'm in and he has one of the lead parts. and he's really cute I've known that since day 1. things were awkward at first between us bc I barely knew him, I posted a vid of him and my friend on my snapchat (it was them dancing, a bunch of people ship them, before I liked him), and I had to fill in for the role of his strict dad in a bunch of scenes where I got in his face. but now I'm getting to know him and he's a really nice guy. I totally feel like I can just be myself around him and not be judged and it's a super nice feeling. he's nice, funny, and basically would be a perfect boyfriend. but my issue is that I'm 16 and he's 14. I've barely dated anyone, and I don't want to be judged for dating two years younger than me. and my last bf was 15 and we broke up super quick and a lot of it was that he was too young and immature, and I don't want that to happen with this crush. so I'm super conflicted on whether or not I should like him, people still ship him with my friend bc they just assume I'm too old for him, and I have to watch him and talk to him constantly for the next three weeks as the show goes on! I decided that I have a crush on him fr on Monday and I'm about to see him tomorrow for the first time since and I'm so scared about how it's gonna b and UGH IDK WHAT TO DO
yeah so there's me ventingπŸ˜‚
Woah. I read the whole thing. I have no clue how to respond.
woah girl I wish you luck. I've had my boy trouble but I don't really focus on them anymore after I moved to this new school. I can't find one boy that just doesn't think he's all that.
I wish you a lot of luck. My crush lives in another country so. Yeah. ❀️
good luck but all i have to say is the heart wants what it wants .. if it says he's the one then go for it ..! but just remember to only go for it if you want to. and don't ever bother changing yourself for him in any way !!
i really don't know what to say besides good luck, so β€” good luck!
I am sure things will resolve in time. Good luck haha πŸ™‚πŸ’œ
Oooooo. That's rough. My friend got a crush on this one guy. Then, I got a crush on the same guy but didn't tell her. She's one of these people who is a little obsessive about her crushes and she really isn't afraid to hide it. I found out later that almost the entire time I liked him, he liked me but he didn't want to ask me out because he was nervous. I felt really bad about my friend. Then I got a new crush and didn't tell her. She got the same exact crush again. The guy started to like a good friend of ours instead but she didn't like him back. Nothing like your problem but life is full of weirdness.
ok, I'm sorry, but first of all, that is a really cute story if u guys ever end up together. but, I actually want to try to help. so, I know the obvious solution is to go up and talk to him, but shy, awkward girls like me just can't do that sort of stuff. real life is not *always* a story book and we can't expect everything to go smoothly. here's what I have for you: firstly, be nice to him, try to engage in normal conversation, and gradually grow a bit closer again. also, try to confide in someone you trust won't betray you. I know that can be hard, but someone there to vent to and support is *always* important. now, I could tell you stories of my friends betraying eachother because they had a crush on the same guy, and they tend to forget about him later on. so, the chances that the one friend who dated him first has moved on. I wish you the best of luck!πŸ˜˜πŸ’–βš‘οΈ
wow that was long
THIS is the kind of situation I might end up in πŸ™ˆ so I'm in no place to give an advice but all I can say is, try talking to him when he approachs (because putting myself in your shoes I WOULD NEVER approach πŸ˜‚ but if you do bonus!) and try befriending him and maybe things will work out. On the flipside, make sure your friend is over him and if you can , ask her if it's okay if anything happens between you and N (again I don't have that courage but try) so yeah that's it TRY πŸ˜‚πŸ‘πŸΌ
so normally I would stay out of this because love is not my area at all but he likes you sooooo much! He's broken up with a bunch of girls just because he still likes you. If it was me, I would reach out to him but the choice is yours. Good luck!!😘