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Did you actually read the blog? QTOD: Any favorite Christmas traditions?


⭐️Tap After Reading⭐️ Did you actually read the blog? QTOD: Any favorite Christmas traditions?

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The home would split us up.. 😐 It sucks there
Nah, we're mostly used to that threat.. we'll just run away again if it happens
I don't know how anyone could NOT read your blogs
if don't talk to Justin Blake, no one can!
yeah I read it. can't wait for the next one! fave tradition: Christmas food. so yummy.
I read it! My favorite Christmas tradition is waking up on the morning and guessing how many presents we got and then looking and seeing how many we ACTUALLY got.
Yes, I love your blogs and my FAVOURITE christmas tradition is making my whole family watch me open my presents first!!
But poor you guys dont get any presents! if yu stayed in one place I would send you some from Australia but that's to risky:(
wow that's a lot of reading to do
Before they moved, I loved going to my grandparent's farm. We always had a great Christmas there.😊