God I am just horrible when it comes to talking to people because sometimes they will say something an to me and I will just not listen at all and then I don't answer them because I have no idea what they said and I don't want to ask them to repeat


(tap) God I am just horrible when it comes to talking to people because sometimes they will say something an to me and I will just not listen at all and then I don't answer them because I have no idea what they said and I don't want to ask them to repeat

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(continued caption) it so I just kinda sit there. Yup. I'm just so great at life.
hey whatever works best for you maybe one day you'll over come the fear of sounding off and honestly I have that fear to it's common when you have anxiety but just try hard and push through
I hate that feeling. My normal face position makes me look like I want to kill someone. We'll get through this together, I believe in you, Emily. Baby steps, just start with hello and go from there. Mind over matter, maybe that person feels they come off as rude as well.
hiya...I haven't spoken to you in a while, how are you doing?
that's good, I'm also doing good. what's going on with you?
re//: oh cool! where to?