Only lily can chat on the post


Only lily can chat on the post

3 1
yolo yeah
so did you find it
yes I'm reading it because what Evan said about li
ha Liam is soooo dirty
no it's Evan we aren't dating no more
no you don't get it LIAM was talking through Evans account!!!
and Liam's my boyfriend
no Evan said something about liv
but Liv has a boyfriend
read the remix
ooohhhhhh I get it
you can tell Evan and Liam this
oh ok
I like Liam but don't tell anyone and don't be mad at me plz
I know you like Liam and I am not mad at all
but Liam is a player
he is a player
yup flirts with a lot of girls
this for told me pick a boy that will treat you like a princess
yeah but he does
*thinks* you know what maybe he is a fûck boy
but I am already a princess
true that's what Evan said
*nods* and I looked it up
hey. what did you look up
fûck boy because I did not know what it was
what does it mean
a guy that only wants séx in a relationship instead of love and romance
don't have sèx with him and if you do we will have a talk
yes I know I'm only 12 Olivia *rolls eyes*
ik but when you get older you can do that stuff when your a parent
yeah suurreeee
or you can do t in high school if want to
or whenever your ready really
Yeah ok but still agree with me that a LIAM is dirty
good I still really like him though
that's good
I asked my new boyfriend what he was doin and he said the most beautiful girl in the world
he's so sweet
that's cute