Account called: MINUTIAE!
Pls check it out! Only have a couple posts so far.......


Account called: MINUTIAE! Pls check it out! Only have a couple posts so far.......

35 1
Also I just wanted to point out how close we are to 500 followers?!?! what?! it felt like just a week ago we hit 300 than this! it's crazy! other the past few weeks I've seen lots of growth in my account so far!! thanks so much!!!!!!!!!! Q&A at 500! ask me anything u want (nothing 2 personal) but yah know the sky's the limit!!!😁 also spoiler alert, not really, but FACE REVEAL at 1,000!!! Can't we do it???
Hi!! I'm back!! There is an explanation on my page, but I'm here and ok!💕 Actually, I don't know what's wrong with Illdesignit. I hope she's ok!
Also congrats!!!
Sure! If you'd like to I suppose! No more than 2 though!
can I join in the competition
OMG 500!