Forget What Hurt you. But Never Forget What Taught You.


Forget What Hurt you. But Never Forget What Taught You.

182 0
This looks really nice and the quote is inspiring. ❀️
could you enter my contest? Id rly appreciate it!! tysm πŸ’–πŸ’–
this is really pretty πŸ’—
Nice! πŸ‘ŒπŸ»
woahhhh this is gorgeouss
thats awesome
do you know someone who totally deserves a feature, but has surprisingly never had one? well, this account is going to give mini features to all those amazing underrated collagers...come check it out, and tell me who you think I should give a mini feature to!
thx for following me
beautiful everything (quote, colors, picture, vjvgchgch) 😱
thanks for following me
in love with this
plz come enter my new challenge!
πŸ’™luv this edit
have u been featured yet
thts right
luv the background!
these collages are sooooo prettyπŸ’ž