Collage by llyds


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im driving home from work at the moment, babygirl <3 gimme a few minutes longer and I’ll be back on
im back pretty baby <3 i got stuck behind a pretty bad wreck
hi pretty baby (:
pretty easy, i was at the shop today
my brother’s tattoo shop
it’s a side job, but was my primary before going into healthcare
yes maaaaam (:
i’ve been waiting patiently for you
i was trying to seem calm… i was checking my phone incessantly
so… not patiently at all (:
it’s alright baby, patience is a good thing for me to practice
cute? damñ… daddy isn’t supposed to be cute, that’s your job
everything but negative things??? hm… i recall you calling me mean on multiple occasions, and that’s a negative thing
riiiiight 🫥
so in reality, I’m not mean at all
okay babygirl, be safe <3
i missed you a ton, baby <3
missed you the most <3
that’s a lie, my angel
hi pretty baby <3
i missed you more <3 they called me into work tonight ):
I’ll message you as often as i can, babygirl <3 nights aren’t as hectic as they used to be
you won’t, our census is way way down so it’s okay
i promise it’s fine baby
technically yes, but im sitting in psych hold right now so…. not really working
everyone’s asleep so (,:
i just sit and monitor in case they get rowdy basically
yes, many. one of the most recent is that we had a patient in 2 point soft restraints, but he was basically a contortionist. used his feet to pull his mitts off and also chewed the coban and part of the ties around his restraints & nearly got them completely off
it was kinda comical, but he strongly dislikes when men tel him what to do or put their hands on him. so… that isn’t the most fun
he’s not really misogynistic actually, but he is xenophobic so he HÂTES me
i still have to treat him, but honestly after the first day i had him, he hasn’t disrespected me. guess i scared him due to the fact that he weighs like MAYBE 90 pounds & i could very easily pick him up and toss him around if need be. since yknow. he’s very stubborn & doesn’t want to be man-handled
i’ve had to multiple times with multiple patients considering im mainly with psych
yeahhh, i don’t like doing it at all though. only with aggressive patients who try to fight you on everything, or ones that have some kind of sedation then it’s necessary with them being deadweight
i try my best
very very true- but anyway i really missed you
it was alright, i had a migraine all day so I didn’t end up doing much except for sleeping and trying to get rid of it. how was yours?
it’s not nearly as bad as it was before, so i kinda did
no ma’am, i’m not very fond of them
just due to family history and stuff i don’t like taking them. i know it’s from lack of sleep and dehydration though
also, how did the baby shower go?
this week has just been busy, but i slept all day and drank a ton of water, which is why i think it’s better now (: but i am far from tired at the moment
I’m happy to hear that, doll
babygirl, i woke up like two hours ago, so i won’t be able to sleep. but i will continue resting
i love you
good 🌹🤍
it’s okay babygirl <3 did you sleep well?
yes ma’am, i did
7 or 8, i think
baby baby baby
i miss you
and hope you’ve had a good day
and i really wanna smother you in kisses
and maybe have you choke on me
and give you as much attention as you need
did you not have a good day to begin with?
also… may i request that you post a bio?
ohh alright
you’ve got yourself a deal, my love
and yeah, i suppose so. it was a little boring though if im being honest. also, no more migraine!
yes ma’am, i figured you’d be happy to hear that
i guess, but mainly just drinking a ton of water and eating a lot less sodium
yes babygirl?
of course i’d like to help you babygirl
alright, kitten (: i’ll be waiting