Thank you so much for 1,400 followers!


Thank you so much for 1,400 followers!

27 0
I'm gonna take ur quiz now
ok thx good luck 😊
yeah I'm just having one of those mood swings that make u really sad sand depressed mine also make me feel scared as if someone is going to jump out and give me a slow and painful death
hello 😊 watcha wanna talk about?
22% isn't that bad😂
hmm favourite book?
yeah.mine is ShadowHunters which you probably haven't heard of either 😂
I'm immortal 😎
let's just say I'm younger than 20 😝😅
why are you deleting you'd comments? just curious
oh ok 😊
hmm truth or dare?
you can if that's okay.truth or dare?
is it true.......that you have siblings?
can't cause I only see him at school and my parents would kill me and second he's currently at a new school so I can't 😞
anyway truth or dare
is it true u have a PC crush?
and I pick dare
I dare you to post a thing u really hate lol