I'll explain in the comments because I talk to much and Pic Collage doesn't like that.πŸ˜„


I'll explain in the comments because I talk to much and Pic Collage doesn't like that.πŸ˜„

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My sister lets us open a small present on Christmas Eve I got these:
The first book i got for Christmas last year the second is from the set because my sister wanted to read it and she knew i already had it. That's why there's two.
BUT OMG BOOKSπŸ˜†πŸŽ I love books!!☺️
lol I got more Havanas gotta make sure I don't ruin these ones πŸ€“
I brought Paper Towns aswell 😊
lucky! I got an iPad like 2 days ago and I already disabled by forgetting the password within a couple of hours,
it's all goods now tho
Lol i had to reset mine once when i was on the bus to palmy for sports and i changed my password then it went flat plus i left my charger at their house and I didn't get it back until 4 days later .-.
Well back from palmy btw what type of iPad is yours mines the iPad Air