A failed attempt at a Butterflyerx collage


A failed attempt at a Butterflyerx collage

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this is cool! I tried to make one her collages as well
seriously though how am I the only one who liked this!?!
aw thank you so much! πŸ˜‚
lol ty 😊
don't tell but this looks like XxshinexX did this! and she's like 10x more famous! ( no efense) πŸ˜±πŸ’•πŸ¦„πŸ™€I'm so jealous! 😫
lol, and I see where your coming from it kinda does πŸ˜‚don't be jealous your style is so much better than mine! and it's fine I'm not offended 😁
this is not a fail
they're better than mine.
no it's not lol