Thank you JulainJ_30 for a spam!!


Thank you JulainJ_30 for a spam!!

12 0
my cousin is giving u all the spams not me. thank him
Warriors Won!
Yea! Ur cousin knows me?
No! I showed the selfie Hannah took and he said ur cute😐. So he started spamming u. He's like 5
yea its weird. He can't stop looking at that picture. IDK
srry. I should've never showed him the picture.πŸ˜•
Sorry tell him I'm off limits
Ok. lemme text him on my πŸ“±.
gtg bye
Lol bye
and btw now u know why I don't like showing my face online
my cousin is sad now
That sucks for him
ur cousins like my selfie..??
weird right
um awkward
yea ikr
too awkward to believe
my name is nit Julain
srry not
Sorry I mean Julian
um yea