I really want to see what my peeps post


I really want to see what my peeps post

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hey! could you ask PC if I could have a feature?! it would mean the world to me please!!!! I'll do the same!! screen shoot them remix to me then I'll do the same!
hey I'm so sorry I really wish I could but I don't know how!! are supposed to go the Internet and look for you or what? I'm so sorry 😳
what I am? I'm human jk(I mean jk because I asked that question lol) and btw I know your asking who I am well I'm sorry that's classified BUT I did follow you cause we can be good friends dealing with fashion if you look on my page you will see I have already made some fashion of my own and i am still working on some it's just taking longer than I expected also I thought we could be friends sharing fashion tips( I'm wondering if I already said that)