Prayer Page🙏✨


Prayer Page🙏✨

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i have a huge choice to make, and i dont want to give it up, but i think God wants me to
lets just say i wouldnt be softball 21 anymore, id just be me21
just pray to him and listen to Him when you feel that nudge that you should do something, thats probably God
I will pray for u🙏
I am so sorry! I will definitely pray for your friend!
my friend committed suicide and it really really hurts
I am so sorry for your friend and I will definitely be praying for you!
hello...I just wantet to say that your page is wonderful. open other people hearts with your words from the best booke ever, the bible!
thank you so much! the bible is such an important book!
important book!
omg I luv ur account I am a teenager and I'm going through some pretty rough times and it's always nice to be able to sit down and read the Bible
also ur account is so inspirational I luv waking up and seeing ur posts they always make me smile😊
thank you so much! I will be praying for you. I'm so glad that my account is inspirational for you!