Why does everyone seem to hate me? Cut myself earlier and in hospital now. Thanks haters, love you all😞


Why does everyone seem to hate me? Cut myself earlier and in hospital now. Thanks haters, love you all😞

9 1
Omg bbs!!!! in car now at bloody mf lights at KirkEdge be 10. Stay Strong for your nacho!!! πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’ ( anyone reading this, she calls me a nacho and I call her cheese, long storyπŸ˜‚)
ok nancho
'aww' as in sympathy or as in like literally aww? πŸ˜‚
please I wasn't trying to be mean it's just that I saw those pics on the Internet I didn't mean to be mean
who is bullying her
yeah I have tumblr and they get posted on Internet if you get enough likes so thanks....
loads of people are bullying me on this
name one or two
can you help me
^ yeh sorry I realised she wasn't as innocent as I thought.
doesn't matter, I'm too confused rn😁😁
I didn't do anything!
it's fine I am not accusing anyone, I'm just confused!
remix me please I can explainπŸ”’β€οΈ
no problem ^
hey never let anyone bully u and never give up! if they are getting out of hand tell someone close to u! trust me it works! one time I was getting bullied and I told someone and then the police saw! that person got in huge trouble! I mean of they are bullying u a little don't let it bother u! if it's starting to get out of hand do what I told u and u will be fine πŸ˜’πŸ˜ƒ
awh thank youπŸ˜˜πŸ”πŸ’—
how am I mean?
Feel better plz😊
awh thanks Hun☺️^
she prob ment the haters
no she didn't, it was something else.
Why'd you cut?