I can relate to this girl on so many levels, read comments😊💖


I can relate to this girl on so many levels, read comments😊💖

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Despite the stress and boring torturous maths classes from my demon maths teacher, I can honestly say that I love school. It's more than just because my friends are at school or because I'm a downright nerd(😹😁) but it's also because I really appreciate the opportunity to have an education. I'm very lucky, my parents are working tirelessly to send me to one of the best schools in Australia (I promise in not trying to brag but it is true). My parents put so much effort into their work and sacrifice so much to ensure my little brother and I can get the best education possible and I know the very least I can do to repay them is to cherish my school and get the maximum out of my education. None of my friends irl at school are like this but I've seen girls from other cliques at my school who don't care about school at all. They don't pay attention in class, they wag classes, they don't care about their grades and disrespect the teachers directly or indirectly. I look at these people and think how much these girls are wasting! School fees (especially at my school) aren't easily affordable and they are basically throwing away money that their parents have worked incredibly hard for down the drain. Regardless if you go to an expensive school or not, wasting the opportunity for an education is a terrible sin and disrespecting your parents.
As well as your parents, your teachers work hard to make sure you have a good education. Yes, I know teachers can be annoying and some teachers may teach better or be nicer than others but that doesn't mean you shouldn't respect the ones you don't like. Teachers work hard to gather resources, mark tests and plan lessons just for you to learn. You can't get mad at a teacher for getting you in trouble in class for disrupting her lesson, that was your fault, your teacher went to so much effort to get your lesson ready and teach you, she should get the respect she deserves. Even though it is their day job, a teachers job ultimately is for you to succeed. Making the most out of the education they provide you is honouring their work, you will never realise how proud they'd be when you succeed.
Finally, not everybody gets an opportunity for an education. I am an almost fifteen year old girl living in Australia and what I'm currently preparing for is my exams and school tests. You too are probably thinking of your school work. At this very moment there is most probably a fifteen year old girl in Africa getting ready to get married to man much older just to avoid getting räpêd. See how lucky we are? Only a small portion of children in the world are privileged enough to receive a proper education. In many countries where the poverty rate is high, education is a luxury. We shouldn't hate school and take the opportunity for education for granted, we could be having much worse than boring maths classes.
My message here; love school and appreciate it. I know school may not be the most fun, but think about how lucky you are to be given such a privilege like an education. Your parents work hard to give you one, so take the most out of it. Don't disrespect your teachers, they work just as hard. Most importantly, only very few children in the world are as lucky as you to get an education, so don't take it for granted and waste it.
I just love learning, but "other people have it worse" doesn't always make others feel better about their situation. There are situations where school can be literal hełl for students, and not just education wise. The system isn't as amazing in American public schools. But college is where I'll get to learn and choose what else I really want to learn. Working your àss off to get into college and finish your education separates people from the ones you're addressing in your speech. I'm 17, at a shîtty school, but I do love parts of the courses and things I learn independently.
go follow Bellahockey1437
woah omg this is so beautiful! ❤️❤️ i LOVEEEE this!