this is a beautiful collab with the stunning @eternity!!! It’s really amazing to be able to collab with her and I love how this turned out so much!!! She did the best text and finishing touches while I did the background!! I am really grateful


🤍tappy!!!🤍 this is a beautiful collab with the stunning @eternity!!! It’s really amazing to be able to collab with her and I love how this turned out so much!!! She did the best text and finishing touches while I did the background!! I am really grateful

65 3
cappy follow: I am really grateful to collab with you Abby!!! and I would love to do it again💜hope you guys have a great day and please tell me if you would like to collab!!! and comment down what’s your highlight of the day!!!✨🌻💕
and let’s get to 250 soon!!!
this is so pretty 💕☺️
This is so pretty 💕
ah i bet but well done for getting through it don’t forget to take time to relax!!! 💗💗💗
I’m good! hru?
this is so stunning! you guys did such a great job! 💘
my highlight of my day is probably hanging out with my mom :)
yeah later this week is good! i’m down to do it anytime ! <3
it’s so annoying!
I’ve missed you too! and yeah I hit 100! how exciting! hru?🤍
hi! my new pinterest username is @sseragrls! i couldn’t find ur account either :/
aw ofc
not at school yet. but i’m back next week on thursday!what about you?
i’ve actually never been to an escape room, is it hard?
this is so stunning <33 and yes i think i’ve moved on… !!! NEW things have happened but overall i’m tryna be ok !!❤️🤞
I totally agree with the 100 thing!
nothing too crazy has happened lately haha I got my nails done and my crush is kinda making a move on me lol hbu? anything exciting??
great idea!! i'll have to try!!
aww i’m so glad to hear that!!❤️❤️
yeh haha sorry! i haven’t been on pc a lot and my notifications r turned off😬 yes we can go ahead and post it tho!! so excited!!
hanging out with family is never embarrassing !🤨 & ooo an escape room! that sounds like so much fun!!
ur so sweet tysm!!! 🫶🫶🫶🫶
aw thanksss i made it up :))
ooh yummyyy what noodles?
also username idea: ur bio, -simplyhappy-
or smth like that?
hey doraaa! I was wondering if you can be a contestant for my contest? not many people entered
I'm doing pretty good thanks you?
Aahh thank you!!
THANK YOU!!! and it’s @likemercury_ i think
haha tyyy
aw yummm
now i feel like dumplings :(
haha 😛
Thanks for checking on! I always love to see your comments!
thanks yours is too❤️
ohhhhhh so it’s semi
i just ate cake and stuff
☺️ thank you
Hii everyone! I might stop making collages and stuff for a while! I am starting school again! sorry~
Hii! I am online now again 😛
and yep feb 2
nvm everyone entered so round 2 started
I feel you
my tests are over!!
how’s it going by u
oh my gosh yeah I love hearing crush stories too
your school hasn’t started yet?!
haaaahaaa thank you ahh!❤️❤️
thanks! do you like school too? and i’ve been trying to fix my sleep schedule i woke up at 7 today then on thursday i should wake up at 6 👍
make sure to get at least 8 hours! 7 is good too :)
ur almost at 230!
the ones for that post (that i’ve been using recently) are bohemian soul and chasing embers and i love them both 💕
gorgeous ✨ 💖
STOP THAT’S SO NICE😭😭 you’re so sweet tysm🫶🫶
okay I will check with the other team
congrats on 230 followers!
omg make sure you try to get to bed early your brain needs the rest <3
i have EXAMS so i’m stressing out but it shouldn’t be as bad as i think it is…
yup🤣 the teller one is me! tysmmmm! and yes i followed you back!
tysmmm 😭
that’s fun tho! did you like it?
I’m done! ofccc u deserve it!!!
yeah sure we can! :)
I’m back on pc for a few days if you want to post our collab?? thxs for your sweet comments xx 💖
tysm!!! 🫶🫶🫶
thanks so much dora! you are so kind
also ofc! and haha
hey 👋 have you changed your extras account?? I can’t find it xx
so can I post??
heyyy I’ve returned from my socials break! I decided I should come back now that it’s Feb but I’ve really been enjoying the clarity and spending quality time with friends and family. anyway hru Dora?? what’s news here on pc?
I missed you xxx