Can't believe I'm 20 now. Wow where did all the years go.


Can't believe I'm 20 now. Wow where did all the years go.

24 32
well:( long story,short, it's what I saw from someone I truly loved:(
oh, am sorry
:/my first relationship,and only,his sister still blames me and it's been a year
hard thing is me and his sister were best friends since kindergarten then she hated me and we split l:(
am sorry that happened to you
well things happen for a reason
:)anyways I'm Thorne
am Wes nice to meet you 😊
nice to meet you too:)) how are you ?
am good, you
I'm alright:) been stressful today but oh whale
I've had those kind of days
:(sadly,what you up too?
Nm just playing around on my guitar
not a lot really, drawing:)
that's cool I wish I could draw πŸ˜‚
I wish I could play guitarπŸ˜‚
I so need a teddy bear that's my size to cuddle 😫
haha same
how tall are you?im 5"0 like wth why can't I be tall
ohhh,your still tall:)
am not that tall πŸ˜‚
taller then me!
well? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
well how are you today 😊
I'm okay:/
you sure??
okay 😌
hi wes I'm good u
hey did u send a request for rp?
yeah I did
do u still want to?
do u want to comment the rp or remix?
remix is easier
u can send ur OC
and btw what type is it?
romance high school if you want
sounds good
do u wanna send ur OC first or me?
I just sent mine
can we each be a guy and a girl?