which one- i need a quick answer


which one- i need a quick answer

10 0
Is that you?? You're beautiful. You're stylish.
Aren't you a little too young to be wearing crop tops? Either way, I would choose the burger shirt.
thx btw
and those r the worst ever pics of me
I like the first. I'm about the same age as you (by the looks) and I wear half shirts all the time! :)
of course u do
Ya. Thanks!
She's 11, Katie. O Mah Gurd. My parents will never let me wear a crop top.
it's not exactly a crop it's more a half shirt. ps I usully wear a singlet under neath or a jacket
kates right im faiths friend from school. shes told me so much about u kate. u seem really nice
Good job, Katie. I think you're towards the better path. Do you go out with them?
Your beautiful. I feel so ugly on this world😞
ur no where near ugly! dont say that! ur just lieing to yourself. there better not be someone saying ur ugly if there is tel me. im here for u
your beautiful but I'm the ugliest person alive it's had me thinking some times