Wanna talk bae


Wanna talk bae

7 0
are you ok now?
you have 7 minutes
until I sleep
it started gushing earlier
I love you
if I don't make it please remember me
you will make it, I promise
yeah say that to th
shît who the helł is that?!?!?
someone just pulled up my driveway
please say you will make it please (because I can't live with out you)
oh no
the guys that came by last night and shot up my house and my butler and me
hide please be safe
I'm fine
cries* I'll love you forever
oh it's my hustlers
with the guy that shot me yesterday
I might not be messaging for a while
#torture time
please tell me if your ok
I'm fine
I have to run I'm being chased down the street I gotta go I'll text tho
be šafe
or I will comity suicide
I hid in my house I'm ok I locked everything I'll be fine
do not commit suicide
do not