Happy Nearly Birthday Dan!☁️(click!)

I say nearly cuz it's currently 23:18 so not his birthday yet but better *early than never... (totally didn't change that)

Late for Harrison early for Dan... WHAT AM I DOING WITH MY LIFE?!😂


Happy Nearly Birthday Dan!☁️(click!) I say nearly cuz it's currently 23:18 so not his birthday yet but better *early than never... (totally didn't change that) Late for Harrison early for Dan... WHAT AM I DOING WITH MY LIFE?!😂

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lol Spongebobbb... 😂 thank you! you're also one of my PC best friends, and we go wayy back👌
it's ok it's my fault for not making an edit in time!
thx for the spam!💕✨
can you please follow me ryl29
im online now, but just before i go to school (alton towers trip 😍😍😍) so i gtg soon. what about later on after 6?