Hello 😊
To all the girls out there 👭👯👧👩
I want you to know 👆
That you are loved 💛💙💜💚❤ 
No matter what 💁
And you are beautiful 😄
Theres no such thing as fat 🍔
Or skinny 👙
As long as youre healthy 🍉
And happy 😸
You are pure gold in others eyes ⭐
Those who d


Hello 😊 To all the girls out there 👭👯👧👩 I want you to know 👆 That you are loved 💛💙💜💚❤ No matter what 💁 And you are beautiful 😄 Theres no such thing as fat 🍔 Or skinny 👙 As long as youre healthy 🍉 And happy 😸 You are pure gold in others eyes ⭐ Those who d

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