💬 ¿ what are some places you would love to travel to ? ✈️💓


💬 ¿ what are some places you would love to travel to ? ✈️💓

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{Honestly all i want is to some day go on a never ending road trip with the people i love. Road trips are fun, it doesn't matter where you're going. I like to stop in random towns. Take pictures of the places in the middle of nowhere. Blast my favorite music while driving an endless road.}
italy, or California. anywhere with my best friends.
(because I've want to live there at some point)
L O S. A N G E L E S
I wish I could do the same thing you want to do
and Tokyo
Tokyo or Korea 😄
This edit is so pretty btw
Paris 😍
holy cow this edit is my aesthetic
A: Britain
tokyo or maybe miyagi?? also england, paris, or australia. love this 😍💕
this is amazing ❤️