During that concert, I actually felt alive, which felt great after being so empty and sad for so longšŸ˜†šŸ™Œ


During that concert, I actually felt alive, which felt great after being so empty and sad for so longšŸ˜†šŸ™Œ

29 0
woah thatā€™s cool, Iā€™m glad you got to do that it sounds awesome :0
Iā€™ve been better. Glad ur doing great thošŸ™‚
wow thatā€™s such a fun time šŸŽ‰
* hugs you *
I wrote stuff
also Callie is totally the type of person to steal food from people
like the gang will just be at some fast food place
and itā€™s like ā€œ who the fĆ»ck took my friesā€ ( fries are serious business.ā€
and Callie just carefully slides them out of sight while munching on some she stuffed into her mouth
sheā€™s also the type of person to say ā€œ nah Iā€™m goodā€ when asked if she wants something to eat
and then later asks for the other personā€™s food
on an unrelated note, Eli would be and is at the base of the pyramid when it comes to cheerleading
if Stacy tries out for the football team once they get to high school, theyā€™ll be the classic sports couple but less concerned about gender roles
holy lesbians , I want Stacy to play football now
Iā€™m not including Oliver because your boy, Ollie canā€™t play sports even if his life depended on it
Callieā€™s too lazy for any physical activity
paisley would probably do soccer or cheerleading
if my stories had movies or tv shows based off of them, Iā€™d want Joshua Rush( aka Cyrus Goodman) to play Oliver
from the moment I wrote Oliver into existence, I imagined him as looking like Cyrus
Iā€™m not sure how that effected his characterization
Iā€™m not sure who would play the other kids
okay so
hereā€™s some of the stuff from the early concepts of these characters
so first off they were in high school
Callie didnā€™t exist until I wrote her in that very first story, without it thereā€™d be no Callie
Oliver wouldā€™ve been the main character, he dated Louis
also Louis is genderfluid ( he/she ) and also goes by Louise
I toyed around whether to make stoliver or steliver( Eliā€™s included in this one) canon
also Eli didnā€™t have a name at this point
Stacyā€™s personality was more like Monicaā€™s at this point too
Steli was also canon tho if stoliver was the end result, they wouldā€™ve broken up
paisley was the only one to be designed as a high schooler
she wore a yellow T-shirt; jean shorts
I think she was taller
her hair was v long
she wasnā€™t friends with steliver at this point
early paisley didnā€™t have much character
she was still a trans girl
and her family consisted of her dad and stepmom ( also the Penniculos were loaded)
p.s a lot of those things will be canon by the time the gang gets to high school
when paisley and Callie get married, they take paisleyā€™s last name
also Callie wears a tux but like a colorful tux
paisleys dress is mostly white with some yellow on it
yellow and purple are paisleys favorite colors
Callieā€™s is the rainbow
Stacyā€™s is pink
Oliver would probably be blue
and Eli is also yellow
also homecoming is coming up at my school so that means tp-ing
Callie would totally be the type of person to tp
Stacy and paisley are her back up in case something goes wrong
Eliā€™s the one who knows theyā€™re going to tp his house and helps them
Oliverā€™s the type of person to get accidentally tpā€™ed
donā€™t worry Callie helped him clean it up
and speaking of homecoming
Callie and Oliver show up in matching tuxes, they are killing it
Stacyā€™s in a pantsuit, Hillary who?
jk Hillary wouldā€™ve been the better choice
Ikrr sheā€™s the cutest
Eli keeps it basic, he just wears a white dress shirt and pants
Callie: you look like a waiter. Eli: Iā€™m waiting for yā€™all to stop acting like idiots
Paisleyā€™s dress skirt is like the poofiest thing ever
it goes down to her knees
Oliver thirdwheels Callie and Paisley
random headcanon time
- paisley had both a cat and a bird for pets when she was little
long story short, the cat ate the bird
Callie and Lizzie wanted a cat when they were little but their parents wouldnā€™t allow it
Stacy moved to town after paisley came out as trans
not long after but still
so around September
paisley and Oliver are both rich kids, theyā€™re the ones who pay when the group goes out to eat or watch a movie
the kids favorite genres of movies are
paisley and Oliver both like romcoms. theyā€™re Callieā€™s guilty pleasure
Stacy: comedy . she also likes sports films which are Eliā€™s favorite
Callieā€™s favorite is Indie arthouse films
Oliver enjoys cheesy sci-fi b movies
paisleys into mom-coms
movies whoā€™s main audience is moms
this isnā€™t limited to comedies btw
okay I was just outside and Iā€™m dying of heatstroke
Cathy either wears a tuxedo, a pantsuit or one of those tux dresses ( you get what I mean right?) at her wedding
Eli and Stacy move during freshman year and come back during the end of sophomore year
donā€™t worry, the gang keeps in touch
I need to write more steli and pally tbh
this sounds awesome
heyyy i saw you commented on my collage like 3 months ago (sorry lolll) Im still very much alive and well, just busy haha
(re) exactly!! But oof, that sucks
Agh tysm šŸ˜Š
I wanna talk about the kidā€™s futures
so the canon ships are Pally and Steliver
Iā€™m sure you can figure out who that means
Stacy doesnā€™t go to college because she got it out of the way with Mikanna
she becomes an artist and her stuff is mildly popular
paisley goes to culinary school and inherits her family bakery
Oliver took community college and a few years later, law school
also fun fact: Oliverā€™s mom wanted to enroll him in a prep school but decided against it because she wasnā€™t religious and the prep schools were all catholic
Iā€™m not sure if prep is interchangeable with private school but Iā€™m just going to assume it is
Oliver becomes brunette in the future, Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s because he dyed it or if
it just naturally turned into brown
like when I was little, I was blonde but now I have light brown hair
Eli gets into college via a sports scholarship. boy takes a 180 and enrolls in nursing school as well
he becomes a nurse
Callie took a break from school before going to community college
I feel like she became a mechanic
steliver has a break in their relationship because they all move
they part on good terms and get back together once theyā€™ve all gotten done with college and moved back to town
Callie and Paisley have a long distance open relationship
their only rule is that they both have to be honest about who theyā€™re seeing and how thatā€™s going
Stacy dates a girl, her name is Willa but she goes by willow because sheā€™s a hippie
they break up because willow doesnā€™t want to be tied down
Callie and Paisley get married and take paisleyā€™s last name
Callie wears a rainbow tux, you can fight me if you disagree
Oliver is her best man and Paisleyā€™s maid of honor is Stacy
the other bridesmaids include Monica, Liana ( remember her?) , and Eli
her dress is light yellow
now you might be wondering why she doesnā€™t wear white
white dresses are supposed to mean the bride is a virgin and letā€™s just say that Callie and Paisley got frisky in the future
Callie tops, letā€™s be real
steliver never get officially married but they basically are
Callie and Paisley have three kids
paisley carries them ( she gets full op- surgery in the future and that includes the ability to have babies )
because Callie only agreed to letting their kidā€™s names start with p if paisley carried them
Stacy and Oliver didnā€™t care if they had kids or not
Eli on the other hand wanted exactly one child
they decide to adopt a ten year old boy named Axel
... who just so happens to be another one of my ocs
paisley and Callieā€™s kids are all girls
one of them is trans
ā€œ I think she got that from you, Paisley.ā€ ā€œVery funny, Callie.ā€
Their names are from oldest to youngest, Persephone, Phillipa and Parisa
Phillipa was the trans one, paisley didnā€™t like her name because it started with an ā€œfā€ sound but she didnā€™t bother Phillipa about it
Callie and Paisley used different sperm donors so the girls look really different
they all have brown eyes and freckles though
thatā€™s all I have
I have not but I will
okay so hereā€™s what the individual girls look like
Persephone is half black so her hair is really curly and itā€™s also very thick
paisley and Callie had to drag her to Stacyā€™s house just so they could figure out what to do
Persephoneā€™s hair color is black or dark brown, I havenā€™t decided which
sheā€™s tol and curvy
sheā€™s aro ace and inherits the bakery because sheā€™s the oldest
Phillipa is straight. paisley and Callie were in shock
she marries a guy in her twenties and takes his last name
listen her name was inspired by Phillipa soo
aka Elizaaa
and she kinda looks like her to
same hair, same face shape
parisa looks the most like paisley
except her hair is curly and sheā€™s skinnier
parisa means like a fairy
and everyone swears sheā€™s part fairy
sheā€™s always popping up in weird places and seems to know things she shouldnā€™t
she shows up with a baby one day as a teenager after spending the summer with her grandparents
Callie and Paisley freak
no one knows if the baby is parisaā€™s but they assume it is
also Cathy and Peyton moved out into the country and live in a cabin
honestly good for them
parisaā€™s baby who I still havenā€™t named yet ends up inheriting the bakery because Persephone has no kids and Phillipa is no longer a Penniculo
okay the baby is named Portia
she gay
axel, steliverā€™s son is aro ace
either that or he doesnā€™t have a social life ( oh wow itā€™s me)
axel ends up adopting a were-cat named Kiki
itā€™s more like she showed up at his home and would not leave him alone
this happens when axel is twenty
so kiki is basically his child or at least he treats her like it
ā€œ excuse me, have you seen my baby?ā€ ā€œsir thatā€™s a catā€
also letā€™s be grateful that parisa wasnā€™t Oliverā€™s kid because he would have died of a heart attack when she brought Portia home
(re) thanks :)
for shame
(re) thanks :)
England doesnā€™t have anything cool like high school graduation or dances or even a prom rly itā€™s annoying lol