I hope you all like this collage💗I spent a long time on it, but I enjoyed making it! Let me know what you think😊
QOTD:(this is random...) favorite reptile? AOTD:Turtle🐢
45th collage


✨tap✨ I hope you all like this collage💗I spent a long time on it, but I enjoyed making it! Let me know what you think😊 QOTD:(this is random...) favorite reptile? AOTD:Turtle🐢 45th collage 8/26/2018

62 6
This is absolutely amazing!!!! I love your account, your style(s), and your collages. AOTD: I never really thought of this....A guess a Turtle 🐢 They are very cute!
Do you want to collab
This is SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!
THNKS!!! Any Requests?
Those are GREAT ideas! Sometimes! The latest one is mostly PC :)
That's another great idea! Does blocking someone still delete the collages they commented on?
AOTD: turtle
and wowwwwww this is A M A Z I N G! how did u do the filter btw
omg wow ur account is so beautiful!!! also thanks so much, spreading positivity instead of negativity is totally my vibe and what I was going for! one kind comment can bring someone’s day from not so good, to better! ❤️❤️❤️
hey ur colloges r beautiful
np !!!and can I ask u something
okay it just advice lol
how do u like get new like shades on the colloge?? like how it’s is so pale how did u do that ???
ohh okay thx gurlll ❤️❤️❤️
ohh thx !!!
*🎊not 😭
nooo so srry I dont😀but you can go to “feedback” and pc tells you some tips on now to get fetaureesss
no problem! wanna be friends?
lol wanna collab again ???
sure !!!!
I would love it but I dont really love dance in my opinion its not a sport. If its not in the Olympics and/or it dont have a ball its not a sport
LOVE THIS SOOOO MUCH!! In my opinion dance is a sport! you do so much more than smile and lift your leg up to your face