HEY! THIS IS A Q/A with me right now! Ask me basically anything! (Except stalkerish questions like what's mah address) From fandom to random this is your time to get to know me!


HEY! THIS IS A Q/A with me right now! Ask me basically anything! (Except stalkerish questions like what's mah address) From fandom to random this is your time to get to know me!

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what is your opinion on nursery rhymes?
how much coffee do you think is okay to drink in a hour?
jk jk
real question: if you could change your first name into any other name, what would you pick? or do you love your first name already?
I've always loved the name Marley for me
do u like potatoes?
have u been to chicken in Alaska
I actually don't really know about nursery rhymes. I find them awesome and creepy at the same time because like ring around the rosey is just plain creepy to me
I hate my name, it's Alexa. if I honestly change it Hahn it'd be Isabelle, Cassandra, or Theresa
ha idk I find potatoes okay, like I eat them.
no I've never, ha I didn't even know that place existed
it does hee hee
what is your favourite. black or blue. cats or dogs. divergent or hunger games. Q or margo. cake face or natural
oh that's hard well I'd go with blue.um I like divergent better because I hate the whole concept of the hunger games but I do love the books. hmm that's a little hard, Q sort of expects something from people like they have to be fantastic while Margo is more fierce and wild. so Margo I guess. I hate makeup, and I'm not tryi to be rude to anyone that wears makeup, but you are beautiful!
Kay's scoldelario or cara Delevingne?
tea or soda?
fall or spring?
pumpkin patch or haunted house?
oh I don't not! that's so hard I love them both! I'm gonna go with Cara tho because she's mah queen
oh soda definitely lol I'm a soda junky
I LOVE FALL! it's not toohot, it's not to cold, you can wear sweaters all the time, read a book with pumpkin spice coffee. fall is just perfect!
hmm I love a good haunted house with my friends tho because I'm basically he coward in the group lol
A SQAURE PINEAPPLE...lol idk I'm terrible at math
What apps do you use for edits?
I use phonto, repix, and magichour
who's your favourite teen wolf character??
my favorite teen wolf character is probably Stiles or Lydia's
omg same for all of those!! 😂😂
omg mu name is also alexa
do you like doctor who?
wanna rp?
what apps do u use?
scifi or fantasy?
horror or baby?
Who is your favorite book character of all time? Pickles or Mustard? Finally who's your favorite(s) YouTuber.