Even he agrees himself


Even he agrees himself

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not really
nope, you're just a jealous ex. Lucas is a great friend that just wasn't into you🤔
no he's not
he might agree, but that doesn't mean you're right. he said he wanted to die earlier, and it's your fault. I know you don't care but this is gonna cause him to maybe attempt suicide, and that's fûcked up. so go ahead and hate, but people will just hate on you back.
of course you do, well I hope you commit suicide because nobody wants you here
aren't you Arthur or something?
stop being so rude, he didn't do anything to you why can't you just die?
don't fûcking touch Luke again, I will punch your face in so deep that you will literally see stars. don't test me
and whys that?
oh shut up, can you just leave me alone? I'm already in the hospital, I don't need anymore stress
isnt everybody this though??? i mean if you haven’t been one of these things what a sad life you live! you have to become more exciting