Hey guys so I will be posting tomorrow. But I have something that I would like to get off my chest. So today in my science class someone said something that really upset me. And it's personal because I now people who have done it. And I don't think you ha


Hey guys so I will be posting tomorrow. But I have something that I would like to get off my chest. So today in my science class someone said something that really upset me. And it's personal because I now people who have done it. And I don't think you ha

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I know😞
this is awful... I am glad you posted this, people should not tease or bully about cutting.
thank you yes I agree people shouldn't tease about about cutting it any other condition. just because you thinks it's a joke, for other people it's a reality
@hg_icons please if you ever want to talk about something feel free to message me. No matter what time it is I will answer. You are absolute beautiful and so so strong. you can do this you can be strong. remember you were put on this earth to show everyone how awesome you truly are. I love you and I am here for you. Stay strong love
I was caught up into something like this... A girl said she was going to cut herself if I didn't do what she wanted. I was scared. And I didn't tell anyone.. until 3 months later when everyone forgot.