I'm sorry about the private deal... I had a rough day and needed a break from everything especially checking my account every 2 minutes. Welllll anyway... shouldn't happen again. Hope you enjoy the rest of the day :)


I'm sorry about the private deal... I had a rough day and needed a break from everything especially checking my account every 2 minutes. Welllll anyway... shouldn't happen again. Hope you enjoy the rest of the day :)

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love this!
this is so gorgeous! you are so talented! ❤️❤️❤️
Glad to have you back! What happened that day?
Thanks, and I assure you that I was not bored nor have I died.👌 I get how PC can influence moods like that, I use PC as an emotional/artistic outlet (aka dumping ground), so an always collage while emotional and have a rule against posting while I'm upset. It's smart that you break from PC once in a blue moon. And if I may, any soul who is anything but impressed by your surely masterful poem is someone I am unimpressed by!