Collage by HorseGirl4Life


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okay, so because you want to find/make a background you can do that. when you've found/made one, please remix it to the other member of our group, @believe_unicorns. from there they'll add pngs and then I'll do the text. let's go!
that's good
no probs, i like to be organised :)
for me, it's the evening so i think we should wait until saturday morning for them to have a chance to reply, or work on it. then if they finish it, i can do the text and if not just send the background to me and I'll do the text and pngs.
the other member of the team got the background with pngs to me so I'll get started on the text right away
i finished the collage and I've handed it it!
np :)
thank you!
please like my most recent remix. it would mean a lot, thanks -Lilyloveshorsesbonnie 💗💗